Simplex BASE

Don’t get fooled by the name. Simplex BASE has a lot to offer. During the simulation, your team will receive some simple tasks, similar to those they get in the office. They will need to reach a decision and the system will estimate the result of their decisions.

The team patterns and routines will be observed during the virtual meetings by our team of coaches resulting personal and team new awareness. During the time of a single day you will get a ton of insights on your team and the team decision process.

The program can be followed up by additional coaching sessions on demand.

Develop your management team with Simplex

1 day, online, dedicated to your management team development 

4 hours business simulation


4 hours team coaching


specific action plan by the end of the day

1 simulation facilitator + 1 team coach will accompany your team entire day.

You will discover how your team works, what makes it effective and how to improve on the existent strengths. A specific action plan will help you improve. It is the easiest way to understand how to implement change in an easy way to be accomplished.

Want to learn more? Contact us here. Schedule a conversation with us to have maximised Simplex Base results.